java notes


  • Hibernate
  • strust
  • spring
    • spring mvc

Thư viện

  • Jasper report

Công cụ

  • Jconsole
  • Jacoco: độ phủ code
  • Java melody
  • maven
  • ant

Portal - (TODO TPL)

  • A portal is a web application that commonly provides personalization, single sign on, content aggregation from different sources, and hosts the presentation layer of information systems. Aggregation is the act of integrating content from different sources within a web page.
  • Three main parts
    • Portlet container
    • Content aggregator
    • Common services
      • Single sign on
      • Personalization
  • Elements of a portal page </img>
  • Portlet
    • Similar to servlets, portlets are web components that are deployed inside of a container and generate dynamic content. On the technical side, a portlet is a class that implements the javax.portlet.Portlet interface and is packaged and deployed as a .war file inside of a portlet container
    • Similar to servlets
      • Portlets are managed by a specialized container.
      • Portlets generate dynamic content.
      • A portlet’s life cycle is managed by the container.
      • Portlets interact with web client via a request/response paradigm.
    • Different from servlets
      • Portlets only generate markup fragments, not complete documents.
      • Portlets are not directly URL addressable. You cant send somebody URL of a portlet. You can send him the URL of the page containing a portlet.
      • Portlets cannot generate arbitrary content, since the content generated by a portlet is going to be part of portal page. If a portal server is asking for html/text, then all portlets should generate text/html content. On the other hand, if the portal server is asking for WML, then each portlet should generate WML content.
  • Tham khảo:

Một số lỗi

  • operator is not allowed for source level below 1.7 => In your project’s preferences, you must set the compiler –source option to 1.7 and –target option to 1.7 also. There are dedicated option boxes for that. Right-click on the project. Choose Properties. Choose Java Compiler on the left. Choose 1.7 for the Compiler Compliance level. If the 2 drop-downs below that aren’t 1.7, uncheck Use default compliance settings and set those to 1.7.